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A Look Behind the Curtain

by Brad Pochard

As many of our customers know, my stewardship of Moore College Data follows 22 years on the enrollment side of the admissions desk.  Until 2023, I served as Associate Vice President of Enrollment and Dean of Admission at Furman University.  Naturally, a number of friends and colleagues expressed surprise when I moved to a new and unique spot in the world of higher ed. Why did I decide to work in data analytics?  More precisely, why am I at Moore College Data?


The answer is pretty simple:  MCD is singular in its provision of the affinity metrics which shape the way admissions decisions are really made. We no longer live in a world where test scores and grade point averages reliably predict outcomes. Working from a deep understanding of the way admissions decisions are made, Leigh developed Moore College Data to help users see behind the curtain of holistic review. More to the point, she built it to help counselors and families find success within a deeply flawed system.

Let it be known far and wide: affinity matters. Students deserve to know that their perceived likelihood of attending a college drastically impacts their chances of being admitted. Regardless of a college's market position, students must know how to demonstrate interest. It’s kind of like dating; it's imperative that the college has evidence that a student "likes" them. It's okay to flirt. And, to be sure, the concept of affinity includes the applicant's ability and willingness to pay. The charts included here illustrate affinity in ways which are, I think, self-evident.

All this is to say, I want students, counselors, and colleges in lesser market positions to know how admissions works .  Students face high-stakes life-changing decisions--academic, social, and financial.  I want them, along with their parents, to be armed with data they need.

Our new products are coming soon! Hang in there.


Do you have specific questions about admissions from the enrollment side of the desk? Please contact me if so. I'm glad to speak with you individually, and I have a lot of fun talking to groups.

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