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Admissions Decisions: A Message for Seniors
By Leigh Moore (Update to blog post first published in 2020) Tens of thousands of early round application decisions have already begun...
Beyond HYPSM: Rankings Over Time for 5 National Universities
Hello, friends! Boy, has it been a year in the data mines. Alas, I'm caught up for a bit and can now share some of the content I've been...
A Look Behind the Curtain
by Brad Pochard As many of our customers know, my stewardship of Moore College Data follows 22 years on the enrollment side of the...
EDIII? Waitlist Data and Insights
College waitlists are sure to play an enormous role shaping the college Classes of 2028. Looking for waitlist data? Here's the latest!
The Finals: Merit Rankings
Which school is the most generous when it comes to awards for students without financial need? Like everything else in admissions, it...
The Final Four--Past and Present
Why use visualizations? As I built the chart below, I reflected on the very purpose of charts and interactive graphics: you can gain...
Round of 8(s): Admissions Trends
What do you know about the colleges behind the March Madness teams? Check out this viz for 8-year trends--including test submitters.
Round 3: Projecting Costs
Earlier this week, my alma mater made the news: a breakdown of the total cost to attend Vanderbilt's engineering school found its way...
Round 2: Head Coach Salaries
by Leigh Moore Hello, and here's hoping you teams are doing better than ours in the NCAA Tourney! While most of our readers won't be...
Round 1: Early-career earnings
by Leigh Moore Welcome to March Madness, MCD-style! I realized a few years ago that the sample size offered by an NCAA tourney gives me...
It's March: Tame the Madness with Data
There's March Madness and then there's March Madness. NCAA-Style As a native Kentuckian, I love March Madness. No one would call me a...
The Newest Addition to Your Data
by Leigh Moore February 12, 2024 Hi, college data fans! The next time you log into your portal, you will find the newest downloadable...
A Candid Message for HS Seniors
By Leigh Moore The following is a message I published first in 2020. My role has changed a lot in the past three years. As a college...
Request a Viz
...and one for your consideration in the meantime... Hello, friends--It's Leigh here. Is everybody ready for Thanksgiving? Brad...
Knowledge is Power; AI? Not So Much
Despite my affinity for charts, visualizations, and lists, I confess that I have mixed feelings about the public’s growing interest in...
The Less-Prestigious College Choice
"Students don’t always attend the most selective college which has admitted them." Every year, I post the above reminder on my personal...
Due Diligence, College-Style
Hi, friends! I have a three-part blog post for you: Part 1 (for my fellow parents of the Class of 2023) Contextualizing the commitment If...
Rejected? Not Really
The culture seems resolved to believe that college admissions is a meritocracy, and I get it. World-class achievers have adhered...
Understanding Admit Rates: A Case Study
Hi, friends! I'm going to jump right in with some fresh data for you to view: Take a look at the 2-yr admit rate changes at the most...
What's So Tough About Regular Decision?
Visualized below are all the applications filed at 81 colleges for Fall 2021. On the left are all the binding applications (Early...
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