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Beyond HYPSM: Rankings Over Time for 5 National Universities

Hello, friends!

Boy, has it been a year in the data mines. Alas, I'm caught up for a bit and can now share some of the content I've been developing. It's good to e-see you again!

On the eve of the latest USNews rankings release, some context: I ran across a recent article in The Daily Pennsylvanian which included some rich data about the current top 10 national universities. Shoutout to Katie Bartlett for allowing download access.

Unable to wait five minutes before churning that data into a line chart, I was a little "meh" by the result. One glance showed me that HYPSM (Harvard-Yale-Princeton-Stanford-MIT) have been ever-present at the top of the rankings all the way back to 1988. In other words, they served only to make the chart look boring and crowd the view. Beyond HYPSM, though, there has been significant movement from a few other schools. When you click or hover, the details will appear.

Shoutout to Katie Bartlett at The Daily Pennsylvanian for providing this longitudinal data.

'Til next time,

Leigh Moore

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